SEND Policy -
This policy should be seen as an extension of the School's Statement of Aims and Values to which reference should initially be made. The policy is linked to the school’s Equalities Policy.
As stated in the Admission Policy the Governing Body will admit any child who has a special educational need that can be met at the school. Consultation will be held with the local Authority prior to admittance of a child who already has an Education Health and Care Plan or who has a specific disability or difficulty to ensure that the child’s needs can be met by the school.
The Code of Practice 2014 provides statutory guidance on duties, policies and procedures relating to Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014 and associated regulations. These are:
- The Special Needs and Disability Regulations 2014
- The Special Educational Needs (Personal Budgets) Regulations 2014
- The Order setting out Transitional arrangements
As stated in the Code of Practice
"a child has a learning difficulty if he or she
- has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age
- has a disability which either prevents or hinders the child from making use of educational facilities of a kind provided for children of the same age in schools within the area of the education authority."
This policy takes account of all the above legislation.
- to enable all children to realise that each and everyone is special in the eyes of God irrespective of their abilities and needs.
- to put in place the identification, assessment and intervention process in order that all children may have equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum according to each child's own individual needs and pace of development.
- to integrate all children, in every aspect of school life, to ensure that children with a special need work and play alongside children without a special need.
- to give support to the class teacher and other staff involved in the education of children so that appropriate support and/or intervention may be effected.
- to ensure that parents/carers are actively involved throughout the process of assessing and addressing their child's individual needs and development.
- to ensure that the child is involved in the process and decision making concerning their SEN support.
Children with SEN are full members of the school community and the provision made for them is inclusive. They have full access to the curriculum, the environment, resources, staff and activities.
- Staff at St Joseph’s Camberwell Catholic Schools’ Federation is committed to enabling access to all aspects of school life. Our Accessibility Plan aims to identify the relevant needs of children with regard to their access to everything the school provides and, where access is limited, to improve access if practicable or to consider alternative provision for their fullest possible participation.
- The School will continue to consult with disabled pupils and their parents in considering the future development and implementation of the School Accessibility Plan, which will be subject to ongoing review.
- St Joseph’s Camberwell Catholic Schools’ Federation ensures that disabled pupils are not treated less favourably, than their non-disabled peers and undertakes the duty to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that pupils who are disabled are not put at a substantial disadvantage in comparison to pupils who are not disabled.
- St Joseph’s Camberwell Catholic Schools’ Federation ensures that pupils with special educational needs join in all activities of the school with pupils who do not have special educational needs in so far as it is reasonable, practical and compatible with the education of other children and the efficient use of resources.
- Children are only withdrawn from class for short periods as appropriate to be given additional help with basic skills or emotional difficulties. By doing this it is intended the additional support will address the child’s needs so that he/she will be able to access the curriculum within the class setting more effectively.
- To enable children with special needs to progress in class, the school aims to provide a curriculum that meets individual needs by matching these needs with targets, resources and support that will enable pupils to achieve and make progress.
Partnership with parents/carers
The school actively ensures the participation of parents/carers by empowering them to play an active and informed role in their child’s education.
- The role played by parents/carers of children with SEN in the education of their children is essential and the involvement and contributions of parents/carers are recognised and taken account of.
- Where a child is provided with any additional or different intervention through SEN support or an EHCP parents/carers play an active role in developing and implementing a joint learning approach at school and at home, and establishing a personalised plan.
- The school works in partnership with parents/carers of children with SEN and involves them and their child in decisions that are made about their child’s educational provision through meetings and discussion .
- Parents/carers are asked to communicate with school staff and to alert them to any concerns they have about their child’s learning or provision.
- Parents/carers are full partners in the review process, their attendance at review meetings is actively sought. All staff who work with a child are present at the meeting or provide written information.
- The school refers parents/carers to other agencies including the services of the Southwark Parent Partnership.
Graduated Approach and SEN Support
The Head teacher will discuss, in the initial interview with parents/carers on a child's entry to school, whether there is any concern or possible difficulties with the child's educational, social or emotional development, or they have physical needs. If this results in identifying a specific need or concern the class teacher and SENCO will be informed so that plans can be made to meet those needs. Parents/carers input will be essential in planning to meet a child’s needs.
The class teacher has the responsibility for the learning and progress of all pupils within the class, regardless of whether they have special needs and additional interventions. All children receive quality first teaching, an appropriately differentiate curriculum, and effective use of a teaching assistant to support their needs so that they make expected or better progress both academically and socially. Procedures are in place to ensure that all children are progressing as they should (see below) and class teachers will respond to any difficulties a child may have at any point in the learning process.
When a teacher finds that a child is not responding as expected or is having increasing difficulties in learning or behaviour, the teacher will seek advice from the SENCO and try alternative strategies in the classroom to resolve the problem.
If a child continues to make inadequate progress, something over and above that which is normally available will be provided for the child. This will be an intervention specifically designed to meet the needs of a child with additional difficulties; these may be relating to communication and interaction, cognition and learning, social, emotional and mental health or sensory and/or physical needs.
Before interventions are put in place parental consultantion will take place, and with parental/carer agreement a personalised plan will be devised, setting out targets, expected outcomes and an appropriate timescale for achievement.
All children are assessed by their class teacher termly in phonics (Key Stage 1) reading, writing and mathematics. This provides progress term on term through Southwark’s Tracking and Assessment Record(STAR) for each child in each subject. Pupils’ attainment and progress are reviewed termly at pupil progress meetings. Pupils not making expected progress are carefully considered and the reasons for lack of progress examined. This leads to differentiated approaches and learning arrangements which are provided as part of high quality personalised teaching. This is not SEN provision, it is targeted support; in class or outside the classroom with additional adult support for an individual or small group. Work is planned and appropriately differentiated by the class teacher, to meet the needs of an individual or small groups of children with similar needs.
If after additional support a pupil does not make progress as expected an intervention programme will be considered, as indicated below, each addresses an area of SEN. Children will be tested in reading and number to provide detailed information of their strengths and areas for improvement, in both aspects of learning.
Named intervention programmes:
- Early Language Support – for Y1 children addressing basic language acquisition
- NESSY – English, reading and spelling programme
- Speech and Language – addressing communication and interaction
- Learning Mentor (KS2) – addressing social, mental and emotional health
The above programmes are costed, monitored and evaluated. If children do not make progress, the efficacy and delivery of the programme is reconsidered. The staff delivering interventions receive training to ensure they are confident to teach the programme requirements, and have cognisance of the learning outcomes.
Children within formal intervention programmes are noted as having SEN Support, for which they have a Personalised Plan.
The progress of pupils who are at SEN Support will be kept under constant review. However, a formal review will take place twice yearly against the expected outcomes in their personalised plan, and the progress they are making in their lessons. The following people will be involved in the review meeting:, SENCO(s), parent(s)/carer(s), class teacher and support TA through written report to the meeting. The views of all participants at the meeting, plus the child’s views (see below) will be taken into account when considering whether the learning outcomes have been achieved. The child will give their view of their progress prior to the meeting. A discussion will follow the review of the best way forward to support the child to make further progress.
Children with Education, Health and Care Plans have a learning support assistant who works with them in class, individually or in a small group, for the designated hours published in the EHCP. Children with an EHCP may have additional support, according to need e.g. speech and language support.
The school keeps a register of all children it has identified as having special educational needs. This register is monitored and updated termly by the SENCO(s), in consultation with the class teacher, the senior management team and headteacher, to ensure that appropriate provision is made at all times.
Personalised Plans
Class teachers’ planning will reflect and be informed by the ongoing assessment of children. This will assist in the provision of appropriate and challenging tasks for those needing extra support.
At times in their primary education a number of pupils may need additional and well targeted interventions. Interventions will be specific programmes, related to reading, writing, numeracy, speech and language. Programmes are time limited. All adults delivering these programmes are appropriately trained for the particular content and purpose of the intervention. Pupils within these programmes will have a Personalised Plan; this indicates relevant aspects of the programme, expected learning outcomes, a costed provision map, parental and pupil agreement. Discussion with children establishes their understanding and commitment to improving this aspect of their learning.
Before children begin intervention programmes, parents will be consulted; the programme and its potential advantages to their child will be explained. Their support will be sought to ensure children complete any work sent home. Children are consulted about their perceived needs and the ways in which a programme will support them to improve their learning and understanding.
Personalised Plans will be reviewed termly to assess pupils’ progress. Pupils will be consulted concerning how they feel they have benefited from the intervention and the progress they have made.
Statutory Assessment
In some cases, a child will demonstrate such a significant cause for concern that a request for a Education, Health and Care Plan will be made.
In this case, the LA will seek detailed evidence of the child’s failure to progress despite intervention at SEN support:
- School’s action through differentiated approaches and why the child moved to SEN support
- Personalised plans
- Records of reviews
- STAR – points of progress
- Attainment in literacy and maths
- Views of parents/carers and child
- Involvement of other professionals
The LA makes a decision whether to proceed with an Education, Health and Care Plan after considering all the above evidence.
If a child transfers to another school all relevant records will be made available to the receiving school.
Staff Organisation
Special Educational Needs Co‑ordinators (SENC0s):
Mrs Fiona Reilly - responsible for the day to day operation of the policy Key Stage 2
Ms Marianne Breedon - responsible for the day to day operation of the policy EYFS/KS1
The SENCO will have:
- appropriate time for administrative work, observation, assessment opportunities, attendance at courses.
- weekly opportunities for discussion and informal and formal planning with members of staff
- opportunities to use staff meeting time for discussion and planning
- regular opportunities for keeping the Executive Headteacher/Head of School informed of developments and procedures
Staff Development
In Service Training
The SENCO and other members of staff have attended appropriate courses and the whole staff has been, and will continue to be, involved in developing their expertise in this field.
Planned staff meetings will consider aspects of special educational needs, and may include speakers from a particular support group or service e.g. Speech and Language Therapist.
Staff meetings will provide opportunities for the SENCO (s) to inform staff or to discuss particular issues; and for any member of staff who has attended any relevant training to share their knowledge with the whole staff.
A variety of resources exists within the school and a range of materials are available to all members of staff for their children. Additions to the range will be made as required.
Subject co‑ordinators will advise on suitable materials relevant to their discipline and the needs of the children.
Teaching assistants are allocated to each class on a regular rota throughout the week.
They support the class teacher and individuals or groups of pupils both in and out of the classroom. It is the class teacher's responsibility to ensure that class support is used to the best advantage.
Links outside School
- The SENCO(s) will establish links with voluntary organisations that may offer support to children with specific needs.
- The school meets with an Educational Psychologist, allocated by the LA as appropriate.
- The Early Help/Social Services will be contacted as required.
Support from the Health Service is also available. Links are maintained with staff at:
- Sunshine House, including Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists,
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Summerhouse Behavioural Support Unit
Contact will be made with specialist hospitals and clinics as appropriate, especially if they are seeing a particular child.
Representatives from any of these agencies may be involved in case conferences and Annual Reviews of statements/EHCPs as appropriate.
Criteria for Evaluation of the Policy
This policy will be successful if
- Individual special educational needs have been successfully identified and met within SEN Code of Practice 2014
- Planning takes account of individual needs and is based on experience and review
- Documentation meets the needs of staff for record keeping purposes
- Each child has access to a broad and balanced curriculum with appropriate levels of support
- Children are active and comfortable in their learning and are able to take advantage of the support available
- There is a positive ethos of mutual respect between all children and adults in the school
- Each child is positively encouraged to strive for the next step in their learning process, whatever his or her level of skill or knowledge may be perceived to be.
- Parents/carers are fully involved in all aspects of identification, support and review of a child’s special needs
Complaints Concerning Provision
The school hopes that relationships with parents/carers will be such that any difficulties or misunderstandings would be resolved informally at an early stage.
If a parent has a concern about their child's progress or development, initial contact may be with the class teacher.
If the difficulty cannot be resolved, the parent will be invited to discuss the matter with the SENCO(s), member of the Senior Management Team or Headteacher.
If the difficulty still remains, further discussion may involve a representative of the Governing Body.