Infants - Sports Premium 2015-2016
Sports Premium Funding 2015-2016
The Government continues to commit funds to improve the provision of PE and school sport for the three academic years up to the current school year 2015–2016. Here at St Joseph’s we have received £8,855 each year.
P.E. and school sport play an important part in the life of St Joseph’s Catholic Infants School. We believe that P.E. and school sport contribute to the holistic development of our children and through participation, our children build and learn more about our key values such as respect, unity, co-operation and kindness for themselves and others. At this school we are using the funds to develop further the PE curriculum, to train all staff so that they are have the tools and belief that they can deliver outstanding PE lessons and to look for more opportunities for our children to be actively involved in sport at school.
How the Funding has been spent:
The Sports funding has been will be used to:
- Pay the London P.E. and School Sports Network’s annual charges. The LPESSN provides us with teacher training opportunities which include delivering the new Curriculum training, as well as supplying P.E experts to work with teachers in delivering high quality P.E. lessons. The network also allows our school access to a full calendar of competitive and non-competitive events.
- Increase the skills set of our teaching staff in delivering quality P.E.lessons through high quality INSET
- Support the PE coordinator who is new to the post
- Buy exciting and stimulating resources to facilitate the teaching of PE.
- Develop a safe but active use of the playground at break times.
- Provide opportunities for children to compete against other schools as we feel it is important that our children have the chance to represent their school through taking part in competitive sport against other local schools.
- Develop after school clubs which our KS1 children can enjoy and further develop a variety of skills.
London PE School Sports Network (LPESSN) |
Annual fees
INSET/training for EYFS/KS1
Gymnastic coaching in Y1 (Blue Y1) weekly Autumn term 2014
Sarah Mortiboys in to discuss PE funding and delivery Feb 15 and 27.04.14 Meeting with Exec HT and Head of School
KS1 Twilight PE session ALL STAFF 22.04.15
NQT PE INSET Dan Thomas 29.04.15 @ Globe Academy
Wilson Frimpong (LPESSN) in to work with NQT Dan Thomas, Y1 Yellow Class 30.04.15, 14.05.15,
Wilson Frimpong (LPESSN) in to work with Kate Ferman Year 1 Blue Class,
Twilight INSET 29.06.15 Teaching and Learning 01.07.15 for ALL STAFF
Wilson Frimpong (LPESSN) in to work with PE lead : Clemmie Windle: half day 01.07.15
INSET PE Training EYFS/KS1 01.09.15
Wilson Frimpong in to work with Y2 teachers (Autumn Term)
Wilson Frimpong in to work with Y1 teachers (Autumn Term)
£6,005.22 55% & 70% of funding
Springboard Training Model
Sequence Liner
Printed Numbers Printed Alphabet
Flipchart Easel Fabric Markers
Foam Balls - Blue Foam Balls - Red Foam Balls – Rainbow
Create Development Real PE Posters Create Development – FUN for everyone Student Cards
£5.75 £15.80
£74.45 £10.95
£56.70 £38.10 £24.95 x1
£26.10 (Total: £916.50) |
Co-ordinator training
Development of teaching staff through external courses, In-house training and inset training. |
£1,933.28 |
Total |
£8,855.00 |
Measuring the impact of the sports Premium funding is part of our normal self-evaluation and provision mapping arrangements. We will look at our Sport Premium to improve the quality and range of PE and sporting provision. This will include increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.
Sports Funding Overview
The government has announced that it is providing funding of over £450 million on this funding over the 3 academic years 2013 to 2014, 2014 to 2015 and 2015 to 2016 to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport will be allocated to primary school head teachers. The money must be used to improve the provision of P.E. and school sport.
Please click here to access the government website.
P.E. and school sport play a very important part in the life of St Joseph’s Catholic infants School. We believe that P.E. and school sport contribute to the holistic development of our children and through participation, our children build and learn more about our key values such as respect, unity, co-operation and kindness for themselves and others.
We are therefore delighted to be able to use £8,885.00 in sport premium funding to support the development of P.E. and school sport in the following ways;
- provide quality assured professional development opportunities for teachers enabling quality teaching and learning for all children
- provide gymnastic support for after school clubs
- fund new PE equipment for the main sports hall
- Take part in across school competitions within the Southwark borough.
- Significantly increase the range and number of before and after school activities offered to pupils across the school.
Our overall aim is to raise standards in P.E. and school sport increasing the participation and opportunities offered to our children. We aim to provide higher quality lessons and improved learning for all.