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Pupil Premium (2013-2014) - Junior School

Pupil Premium

St Joseph’s Catholic Junior School.

Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure

Report to Parents: 2013/14


St. Joseph’s Catholic Junior School is a two form entry school in Southwark. We are currently in soft Federation with St. Joseph’s Catholic Infants’ School.


We have high aspirations and ambitions for our children and we believe that no child should be left behind. We strongly believe that it is not about where you come from but your passion and thirst for knowledge, and your dedication and commitment to learning that make the difference between success and failure, and we are determined to ensure that our children are given every chance to realise their full potential.


At St. Joseph’s we have high percentages of FSM, SEN and EAL pupils. However we see our diverse community as a strength and we are committed to ensuring that the challenges we face are mitigated so that all pupils can reach their full potential.  It is essential that we identify individual barriers in order to provide personalised targeted support to ensure our children can flourish.


Pupil Premium funding represents a significant proportion of our budget and we are committed to ensuring it is spent to maximum effect.


Objective of Pupil Premium Spending


Our key objective in using the Pupil Premium Grant is to narrow the gap between pupil groups. As a school we aim to ensure that children make at least good progress, and historically our children.


Through targeted interventions we are working to eliminate barriers to learning and progress. Many children start school with low attainment on entry and our aim is to ensure that they make accelerated progress in order to reach age related

expectations + as they move through the school.



Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received

Total number of pupils on roll


Total number of pupils eligible for PPG


Amount PPG received per pupil


Total amount of PPG received


Nature of Support 2013/14

Focus on Learning in the Curriculum

Focus on social, emotional and behaviour

Focus on enrichment beyond the curriculum

Focus on families / Community





Curriculum Focus:

Increase % of children working at age related expectations in reading, writing and maths

Impact on PPG Grant Spending

(See end of year evaluation)


Record of Pupil Premium Grant spending by item/project 2013/14

Year Group






Maintain Split Year 6 into 3 classes


Recruitment cost of additional Teacher


Maintain teacher Increase teacher to pupil ratio in order to increase impact on quality first teaching ensuring pupils make maximum progress

Pupils in year 6 made good progress throughout the year





  1. 9
  2. 0
  3. 3
  4. 7

Year 6 Maths GNT focus group


Small group booster with a focus on the more able to ensure children reach full potential

Significant increase in the number of pupils attaining the higher levels in Maths as well as outstanding progress for these pupils.

Level 6



  1. 0
  2. 0
  3. 0

Booster classes after school – 2 teachers


Extended the school Hours:

Programme of revision for SATs

Significant increase in the number of pupils attaining the higher levels in Maths as well as outstanding progress for these pupils.



  1. 1


Booster ½ term holiday classes


Extended Learning Time:

Programme of revision for SATs

Increased attainment in KS2 English and maths (Assessment Data)

Beanstalk –

Volunteer reader


Individualised support for reading at all levels.

Increased confidence (discussion

Small group targeted support

Maths and English


Small group work to extend children’s writing and maths skills

Increased attainment in writing and maths (Assessment data)

Subsidising the cost of school visits

Year 6 residential


Enable all pupils to access residential visit for outdoor and adventurous learning and team building

100% of Pupil Premium pupils who wanted to take part attended residential visit. Increase self confidence, greater independence. Better team-working, collaborative skills.


Small group targeted Maths Intervention


To improve

Individualised support for maths.

Increased attainment in maths for targeted pupils (Assessment data)

Beanstalk –

Volunteer reader


Individualised support for reading at all levels.

Increased confidence (Discussion) Increased attainment with reading (Assessment data)

Employment of additional TA 1:1 Learning/behaviour support



Enable pupil to access learning.

Significant increase in individual pupil accessing quality first class teaching so and increase in pupil progress.

Whole school

Free school uniform


To ensure all premium pupils have access to uniform.

Premium pupils have new uniform and feel proud and confident.

Additional Speech and Language support



Targeted speech and language support and educational psychology assessments

Clear strategies provided for better ways to support individual children (Observations)

Barriers are reduced and children make good progress

Wider Opportunities music

(guitar, African Drumming, Ukulele, Violin, Brass, Flute, Clarinet)


Increase access of premium pupils to music tuition

80% of PP pupils had access to instrumental tuition in 2013/14

Learning Mentor


Providing additional support for children with a range of needs – emotional, social, behavioural, attendance/ punctuality etc.

Barriers to learning reduced and targeted children make 2 sublevels+ progress

Additional Teacher to support SEN at all levels

Reading, writing and maths


Small group and individualised work to extend children’s writing and maths skills

Increased attainment in Reading writing and maths (Assessment data)

Summer school trip to seaside


Enable all pupils to access outdoor and learning and team building

100% of Pupil Premium pupils attended educational trip with focus on Geography/Science/PSHE







Total PPG received


Total PPG expenditure


PPG remaining



Performance of pupils receiving Pupil Premium Grant


July 2014

% of pupils from Y3-5 achieving End of year Expectations inReading


% of pupils from Y3-5 achieving End of year Expectations in Writing


% of pupils from Y3-5 achieving End of year Expectations in Maths


% of pupils making expected progress in Reading End of KS2


% of pupils making expected progress in Writing End of KS2


% of pupils making expected progress in Maths End of KS2


% of pupils achieving age related expectations in Reading (L4+)


% of pupils achieving age related expectations in Writing (L4+)


% of pupils achieving age related expectations in Maths (L4+)


% of pupils achieving age related expectations in Reading, Writing & Maths combined (L4+)


% of pupils achieving above age related expectations in Reading(L5+)


% of pupils achieving above age related expectations in Writing (L5+)


% of pupils achieving above age related expectations in Maths (L5+)



Narrowing the GAP between FSM and other children


Reading Gap

Writing Gap

Maths Gap












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