Newsletter - Thursday 24th March 2016
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we approach the Easter holiday we would like to say a big thank you to you all for supporting our school. As you will have heard in the news there are more changes to education and schools that have been prescribed by the Government. We will keep you fully informed of the changing situation as and when more information arrives.
St Patrick’s Day and St Joseph’s Day
5I’s class assembly was all about St Patrick. Well done to 5I who took us on a journey of St Patrick’s life and works especially his message of the importance of the Trinity. 5I’s Irish dancing a combination of a jig and a reel was complicated and showed true collaboration and team work. Well done again!
Thank you to Clodagh Year 6 and Caoife Year 2 who performed for the Infant St Patrick’s Day assembly. They were amazing!
Sport Relief fell on St Joseph’s day so we combined the two. It was non-uniform and wear something sporty. In the morning Year 6 led the whole school through some energetic dance moves for a ‘Wake and Shake’ fitness session. Well done to our dance leaders and thank you to all pupils who participated so cooperatively. In the afternoon we had our traditional St Joseph’s Disco. It was lovely to see the children enjoying themselves – needless to say the adults were worn out at the end of the day!
Year 5 Easter Production
The Year 5 Easter production was beautifully poignant and a sensitive portrayal of Our Lord’s final days before his resurrection. Well done to Year 5!
Easter Bonnet Parade
How exciting to see all the ingenious bonnet designs in the infants on Thursday. You were all brilliant!
Red Class Liturgy
Thank you to Red class for their Liturgy on Thursday morning. You have learnt so much and delivered your Liturgy with style. Thank you!
At Sacred Heart the Masses are as follows:
March 24th Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Washing of the feet)
March 25th Good Friday: Stations of the Cross 10 am
Ghanaian Community – Stations of the Cross 12pm
Passion of Our Lord 3pm
March 26th Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil Mass 8pm
March 27th Easter Sunday: Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord 8.30am. 10am, 11.30am and 6pm
March 28th Easter Monday: Mass 10am
Over the Easter holiday there will be booster sessions for invited children for the KS2 SATs tests and the KS1 Phonics Screening Test. If your child has been invited to attend please ensure they attend and are punctual.
Year 6 SATS Boosters will run from 9am-12pm on Tuesday 29th, Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st March, Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th of April.
Year 1&2 extra PHONICS classes for invited children only will take place on Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th April, first class starts from 9am -10.15 and the second class starts from 10.30-11.45am.
We return to school on Monday 11th April
Juniors at 8.45am and Infants at 8.55am
Easter Prayer
Lord, the resurrection of Your Son has given us new life and renewed hope.
Help us to live as new people in pursuit of the Christian ideal.
Grant us wisdom to know what we must do, the will to want to do it, the courage to undertake it, the perseverance to continue to do it, and the strength to complete it.
Source: New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book
Have a wonderful Easter break, enjoy your Easter eggs and return to us safe and sound on Monday April the 11th
Pray for us.
Anita Gallagher