Newsletter 4th September 2015
Dear Parents, 4th September 2015
Welcome to all our new parents and welcome back everyone after the summer break. I hope you managed to have some quality family time! We are very excited and happy at being back at school. We have had two INSET days to prepare for the children to discuss the latest curriculum and assessment changes. To keep you up to speed we are in a time of significant change in education - the curriculum has become more challenging, ‘levels’ have gone, the children will have more tests, targets are higher, there are greater duties around safeguarding and the Ofsted framework has changed yet again. It’s going to be busy and we will keep you informed!
We have had some changes to staffing and we would like to welcome new teachers Mrs Higgins and Mr Maragh to Year 5 and 6 respectively. From the Juniors, Ms Kilbey and Mrs Bell, are teaching the infants - Year 2 and 1 respectively. Welcome back to Ms McKiernan and Mrs Rocha who have returned from maternity leave. We also welcome our new teaching assistants Mrs Cueva, Ms Garcia Leira, Miss Corbett, Miss Enablable, Ms Kelly, Ms Harrington, and Miss Gokhool.
School Mass
Please join us at 10.30am on Friday 11th September for our School Mass at Sacred Heart Church.
The children looked very smart on their first day back. Make sure they are wearing the correct uniform. No jewellery and long hair should be tied back with a plain band. There should be no fades or decoration in hairstyles. There is a lot of lost property so could you make sure your child’s name is on their uniform.
Punctuality and attendance
The threshold for attendance checks has been raised from 85% to 90%. Please make sure your child is in school and on time. Holidays should not be taken in term time.
Free School Meals
I would like to remind you that if there is anyone who thinks they might be entitled to free school meals to ask at reception. For those who are eligible we are providing free school uniform. We are aware that this time of year is very costly for people so please enquire.
Contact details
It is your parental duty to ensure we have the correct contact details for children. You will be asked to provide/update all contact numbers. Sometimes these numbers are out of date or unreachable. When this happens it upsets the children and is very frustrating for staff.
Clubs and activities
There will be a number of clubs and activities available for the children to take part in and information will be out soon. We try to make sure every child has a club although it might not be their first choice if something is especially popular. We do put children on a waiting list for the next term so they won’t be too disappointed.
MacMillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning
On the 25th September at 9.15am we will be holding a coffee morning to support the
wonderful work of the MacMillan organisation. Please join us. We will be asking for
you to bake/donate cakes.
Term Dates: School term dates are on the website. We have also attached them so you have them to hand. Please note the next two INSET DAYS will be Monday January 4th 2016 and Friday February 12th 2016. We have one more INSET day to arrange and the date is yet to be confirmed.
Anita Gallagher
Executive Headteacher
School Term and Holiday Dates 2015/2016
Holidays in term time are not permitted. Please note these dates carefully so that you do not book holidays or flights in term time.
School Term Starts: Thursday 3rd September 2015 - Friday 23rd October 2015
Half Term Holidays: Monday 26th October 2015 - Friday 30th October 2015
School Term Starts: Monday 2nd November 2015 - Friday 18th December 2015 (1pm Finish)
Christmas Holidays: Monday 21st December 2015 - Friday 1st January 2016
Staff Training Day: Tuesday 1st September 2015 (School is CLOSED to Children)
Staff Training Day: Wednesday 2nd September 2015 (School is CLOSED to Children)
School Term Starts: Tuesday 5th January 2016 - Thursday 11th February 2016
Half Term Holidays: Monday 15th February 2016 - Friday 19th February 2016
School Term Starts: Monday 22nd February 2016 – Thursday 24th March 2016 (1pm finish)
Easter Holidays: Friday 25th March 2016 - Friday 8th April 2016
Staff Training Day: Monday 4th January 2016 (School is CLOSED to Children)
Staff Training Day: Friday 12th February 2016 (School is CLOSED to Children)
School Term Starts: Monday 11th April 2016 - Friday 27th May 2016
Half Term Holidays: Monday 30th May 2016 - Friday 3rd June 2016
School Term Starts: Monday 6th June 2016 – Wednesday 20th July 2016 (1pm Finish)
Summer Holidays: Thursday 21st July 2016 - (Autumn 2016 dates to be confirmed)
Staff Training Days: Dates To Be Confirmed (School is CLOSED to Children)
The academic year is based on 195 days. Of these, 5 days are staff training days. Children attend for 190 days.
Note: These Term dates are correct on day of print, but may be changed at a later date by the Local Authority.
Public Holiday Dates:
Christmas Day Friday 25th December 2015
Boxing Day Monday 28th December 2015
New Year Friday 1st January 2016
Good Friday Friday 25th March 2016
Easter Monday Monday 28th March 2016
May Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May 2016
Spring Bank Holiday Monday 30th May 2016
Summer Bank Holiday Monday 29th August 2016