Newsletter 25th June 2015
Dear Parents and Carers
We are having a very busy term and there are many things to do before the end of the school year! Please keep your phones ready for reminder texts!
First Holy Communions
It was beautiful and very touching seeing Green Class children on Saturday making their First Holy Communion. This weekend Orange class make theirs and I know it will be just as special. It is so important to ensure the children’s faith journey does not end here so make sure, as Father Victor said, that their first Holy Communion is not their last! As a school we will pray for the children’s continued love of faith to give them the strength to live their lives as active communicants.
Own Clothes day this Friday 26th June and bring a bottle for the Summer Fair Tombola (bottles of juice,
olive oil, shampoo, lemonade, shower gel etc.. - bottles of alcohol must be given to the school office by an adult).
The children do NOT have to bring money just a bottle for the tombola.
Tuesday 30th June - The Book People will be in school for children to buy books for their Summer holiday reading. More information to follow.
Summer Fair
You have received a letter saying on the afternoon of Thursday 9th July we are having our Summer Fair. Please come along and support the Fair. Mr Reilly has asked for volunteers to help on the day – if you can let him know!
List of important dates
Friday 26th June – Year 6 Imperial War Museum and Yr 5 Athletics (only nominated children)
Saturday 27th June – Orange Class First Holy Communion 11.30am Sacred Heart Church
Thursday 2nd July – New Reception Parents Meeting 6.30pm
Friday 3rd July – Infant Trip to the seaside/ Junior Sports Day
Wednesday 8th July - Year 6 Production of Bugsy Malone 6.30pm
Thursday 9th July - Summer Fair 2pm – 3.30pm
Friday 10th July - Junior trip to the seaside/Infant Sports Morning at Burgess Park
Monday 13th July and Tuesday 14th July - Parents Evenings
Wednesday 15th July - Year 6 Leavers’ Mass 6.30pm at Sacred Heart Church followed by Leavers’ Disco in the school hall
Thursday 16th July - Going out to make a better world Mass in the school hall at 9.30am (Infants)
Friday 17th July – End of term 1pm finish.
Start of the new School Year: Thursday 3rd September 2015