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Newsletter 24th March 2015

Tuesday 24th March 2015

Dear Parents and Carers,


As we approach the Easter holiday I would like to say thank you to you all.  This term has been very busy and you have responded by contributing to the life of the school.  Children won’t forget their World Book Day or their hats/games for maths week or their non-uniform days.  It is these ‘extras’ that make memories!


St Patrick’s Day and St Joseph’s Day

The children celebrated both Feast days.  On St Patrick’s Day we had wonderful assemblies with a display of Irish Dancing. I would like to say a big ‘Thank you’ to Clodagh, Caoife and Caitlin for showing us their reels and jigs beautifully dressed in traditional costume.  St Joseph’s Day was a celebration non uniform, discos and treats at lunchtime.  I know the children enjoyed themselves. 


 Section 48 Inspection

St Joseph’s had their Section 48 inspection on March 11th.  This is the inspection process that judges the Catholic life of the school and it is additional to Ofsted. We have not received the report yet but look forward to sharing it with you when we do.


Sacrament of Reconciliation

Last Saturday Ms Kirrane and I attended Mass at Sacred Heart followed by Year 2 children making the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time.  It was a privilege to be part of the children’s faith journey.  Year 2 are now on the path to make their First Holy Communion later this year.


Easter Performance

The Year 5 Easter performance will take place at Sacred Heart Church on Wednesday 25th March at 2pm.  Parents are warmly invited to attend.


Easter Holiday SATS revision classes

Revision classes for Year 6 will take place during the Easter holiday for designated children.  Please read the details in the specific letters addressed to Year 6.


Dads of St Joseph’s – Meeting coming up soon date to be confirmed

This is a meeting for fathers who are interested in helping their children in any way by working with the school.  If you are interested please come along or ask Ms Gallagher/ Ms Jameson/ Mr Mburu for more details.


Dates for your diary

Break up for Easter: Friday 27th March at 3pm

Return to school: Tuesday 14th April - Juniors 8.45am and Infants 8.55am

Directly after the Easter break:


Parents Evenings - Early warning

The children return to school on Tuesday 14th April and the Parents Evenings are on that very evening and Thursday the 16th April.  Appointments for siblings will be on Tuesday 14th.


Wednesday 15th April 


At 4.30pm Sister Judith Russi will be in school to talk to the Year 3 parents regarding the Sex and Relationships programme.

Wednesday 22nd April

9.30am Maths meeting/workshop for Junior parents

Wednesday 22nd April

5pm*: Maths meeting/workshop for Infant parents
*NB: This has changed from 6pm.

Thursday 30th April

The school photographer will be here for both schools (to take class photos)


Have a wonderful, safe Easter holiday and look forward to seeing you for the Summer term.



‘If anyone serves me my Father will honour him.’ John 12 v14



Anita Gallagher

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