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Newsletter - 14th Feb 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

Term is going so fast.  January disappeared in a flash! As we approach the end of the first half of the Spring term I would like to thank you for your continued support. We have been working hard over the last term and a half to prepare children for the growth in their knowledge and understanding of all subjects across the curriculum.  The children are not only learning about the subject topics but also the skills involved and how they can transfer these skills to support all of their learning. Well done to all the children who have achieved ‘Superstar Awards’ and all those who have participated in our sports competitions.  We are often commended for the behaviour of our children at these events. They have shown  determination, courage, resilience, respect, passion and honesty. Well done everyone!

Have a wonderful half term break with your families.

The Year of The Word

We are listening and acting upon the word of the ‘God who Speaks’. From the ‘Bible and You’ survey this is what people have said so far…. 84% of people hear the Bible in Church, 53% read the Bible daily outside of Church, 41% aren’t sure where to begin with the Bible, 45% said we don’t have enough time to read the Bible. 34% say the Bible is extremely important to our faith and 84% says it’s important to our faith to tell others about Jesus. Go to www.godwhospeaks.uk for more information.

First Holy Communion

To all families who are making their Frist Holy Communion Father Victor has confirmed the date as Saturday 20th June.  The next session will be Tuesday 3rd March.

World Book Day

Don’t forget to read the letter sent out about World Book Day on Thursday 5th March.  Which character are you coming as?  Have fun deciding!

Safeguarding Seminar at Sacred Heart School

Father Victor has organised a seminar on Saturday 7th March 10.30am to discuss important issues for our community and how we can work together to deal with the challenges that life throws at us. 

Times Tables Check

Yr 4 are preparing for their times tables check. They have to do 25 questions on the computer, 6 seconds for each question and a 3 second gap before the next.  How good are you at remembering your times tables? And could you do it at this speed?

Attendance and Punctuality

It is important that your children are in school and on time for school. So far this year…  Well Done! Blue Class for having the highest attendance in the Infant School.  Well Done! 3C and 6F who jointly have the highest attendance in the Junior School.

































Dates for your diary

Monday 24th February: Year 1-6 e-safety training and workshop
Wednesday 26th February: Fr Victor visiting all classes for Ash Wednesday
Week beginning24th February: World Faith Week
Friday 28th February: Red Class Assembly

Wednesday 4th March: Year 4 Mass - Happiness  

Friday 6th March: Green Class Assembly
Saturday 7th March: Safeguarding Conference at Sacred Heart School 10.30am

Monday 9th March: Gymnastics Competition

Wednesday 11th March: Year 3 Mass- Friends
Friday 13th March: Rainbow Assembly

Wednesday 18th March: Year 5 Mass - Sharing
Thursday 19th March: St Joseph's feast day
Friday20th March: Yellow Class Assembly
Thursday 26th March: Infant School Council trip to the Houses of Parliament
Friday27th March: Blue class Liturgy
Wednesday 1st April: Year One trip to the National Gallery
Wednesday1st April: EYFS 'Stay and Play' Easter session for parents
Wednesday 1st April: KS2 Passion Play at Sacred Heart Church 
3rd April:  Red Class Liturgy


‘Happy are the young because they have time before them to do good’ – St Philip Neri

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