Newsletter 19th November
Dear Parents and Carers,
It is already the middle of November and we are fast approaching Advent. In schools there are so many events that are markers of time. Here are just a few.
During October we celebrated Black History Month with children looking at a number of significant people who changed the way we live today. Depending on their year group the children studied and had assemblies on Windrush, The Notting Hill Carnival, Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr, Coretta Scott King, Barack Obama, Mary Seacole, Alice Coachman and Wilfred Wood.
During October and the beginning of November we also raised a huge food donation for the Manna Centre and Sacred Heart Foodbank. We received a lovely message of thanks from the Sacred Heart Foodbank Team. They said they were ‘completely overwhelmed at the generosity of your school and the compassion towards those who are in need.’ This just goes to show what a special community we are and how we look out for one another. Thank you to everyone.
On November 11th we also celebrated Armistice Day. We remembered all those who died in battle in the hope that in the future we could live in peace. You will see our display in the foyer of poppies made by our youngest children and in this we see that the memory lives on. Lest we forget.
Our sports teams continue to impress on and off the field. Not only winning and taking part in competitions but also gaining certificates for showing respect, resilience, honesty, passion and self-belief. These are integral life skills. As Michael Jordan once said ‘You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them’.
We would like to wish Mrs McDuff, our Y1 Blue Class teacher, all the best as she leaves us to begin her maternity leave at the end of November. She is expecting her first baby in December and we wish her every happiness as she starts this new and exciting phase in her life.
We would like to say congratulations to Ms Anna Swann who will become our new Head of Infant School when Ms Kirrane leaves at Christmas. I am sure you will make her feel welcome in her new role and will introduce yourselves over the coming weeks.
We have been asking you to bring in plastic bottle tops. Watch this space as we use our recycled plastic to create a piece of art. Pope Francis’ encyclical ‘Laudato Si’ has become even more relevant today as we talk about climate change. We are bearing witness to his message in our attempt to care for our common home.
You will see that the children have sent parents a message in the form of a banner outside of the gate. Don’t park on the zigzag lines, don’t create pollution around our school, don’t block entrances and keep our pathways clear. It is the children who are voicing this. As the old saying goes ‘Out of the mouths of babes’.
We have three school nurses coming in on Thursday 28th November for a flu immunisation ‘catch-up’ with any children that had not returned their forms. We have to have 100% return of all the forms so even if you choose not to have your child immunised, please return the form indicating this and signing it. This is a NHS requirement of every school.
Thank you to all who have responded to the letter about voluntary contributions. However much we receive it will help us towards meeting the needs of your children. I know a £20 contribution per child/£35 per family is a lot of money and this is a suggested amount in line with what other schools in the area are asking. You can contribute any amount at any time in the school year via the school office. Thanks once again.
Dates for your dairy
Wednesday 20th November: Infant to Junior transfer for Year 2 parents
Sunday 1st December: ADVENT begins
Monday 2nd December: Christmas Raffle will start this week
Friday 6th December: Infant School Advent Mass at 09.30 in the school hall
Wednesday 11th December: Infant Nativity 2pm
Wednesday 11th December: Sacred Heart Music Concert 5pm
Thursday 12th December: Infant Nativity 9.30am
Friday 13th December: Christmas Coffee Morning where the raffle will be drawn