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Newsletter - 8th November 2018

Dear Parents and Carers

As we settle in to the second half of the Autumn term there is a lot going on! In school we have been reviewing our curriculum so we can provide even better opportunities for the children as well as monitoring the children’s progress and quality assuring teaching and learning.

Infant School Open Week for admissions in September 2019

The school will be open during the week for new parents to view the school. Last year there were 700 ‘spare’ primary school places in Southwark. Local housing changes and lower birth rate means spaces are available. Please encourage everyone you know to come visit our school. We need as many children as possible to start in Reception.

Art Gallery

There will be an exhibition of the children’s art work on Tuesday 20th November. You will have to opportunity to view some amazing art work by the children and purchase your child’s framed original work. Watch this space for more information…

Sporting Competitions

St Joseph’s regularly compete in sporting competitions across the borough and we are very successful. A group of children from across the school went to Surrey Quays bowling on Monday and a great time was had by all. Year 4 have just started rugby training after school. Year 6 have a new table tennis table for the roof playground. Year 6 again won the indoor athletics tournament at the Elephant & Castle Leisure Centre- 4th year in a row! Congratulations!

Magic Breakfast

The school have signed up with ‘Magic Breakfast’. Very soon ‘Magic Breakfast’ will be providing ‘Playground Bagels’ to supplement children’s breakfasts.

First Holy Communion

For Parents in Year 3 – the First Holy Communion Programme will begin in January 2019. You will be invited to a meeting soon. Please remember to check book bags for further information.

Road Safety Week

Road Safety week starts the week commencing the 19th November. Our children learn how to cross the road safely and are made aware of how to look after themselves when they are out and about. This year’s theme is ‘Bike Smart’. More than a third of people killed or seriously injured on the roads in the UK are those travelling by bike. Around school parking is an issue. Can we please remind you all that parking on the yellow keep clear signs is both dangerous and illegal. Please park in the allocated parking zones or even better walk to school.


Can I remind you that the school does not sanction holidays within term time. Please do not book flights, tell us you are going abroad and expect your child to have an excellent attendance record.

Prayer for the week

Lord Jesus, friend of children, come to me, Lord Jesus you are my Lord and my God. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Anita Gallagher

Executive Headteacher

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