Newsletter 29th June 2018
Friday 29th June 2018
Dear Parent and Carers,
It has been a busy week here at St Joseph’s. Everyone is working really hard as we approach the end of the year. Thank you for your support as I continue to head up both St Joseph’s and St Anthony’s. Your kind comments and prayers have been much appreciated over the past few months. We must continue to uphold the standards of attendance and behaviour. Please make sure you inform the school if your child is late or unwell. Remember that holidays are not allowed during term time – please do not expect them to be authorised.
As parents, you are the children’s primary educators. Can you remind them that we are a school that upholds the Gospel values of faith, love, peace, justice and truth. The children should show respect to everyone, the adults and their peers, at all times. I know you will support us in this.
It is with heavy hearts that we say Goodbye, Good Luck and Thank You to Miss Ettie Ojobo who is leaving us today to take up a new position at Haymerle Special School in Peckham. She has been with us since November 2016 and we are all going to miss her enormously but wish her every happiness and success in her new role.
Last week Monday, the Year 6 went on school journey to the Isle of Wight. They have had a week of sunshine and adventure. Photos are on the website. Have a quick look and see what a great time they had! Year 5 have had a Fun Day at Burgess Park trying out all different sports and activities. They also went to London Zoo as part of their science curriculum. 4B have been to the Horniman Museum to look at artefacts and explore all about Benin and 4A will be going soon.
3C made their First Holy Communion last weekend. 3D are making theirs tomorrow. I know that your thoughts and prayers are with the children and their families at this special time. The St Joseph’s community wishes them all the strength of faith and that they live life with the courage of Our Blessed Lord.
In the Infants there’s been a lot going on and their class trips are happening soon. Yr 2 will go out on Thursday 5th July and Yr 1 and Reception are going out on Friday 6th July.
The children tried so hard in Yr 1 Phonics Screening Check. Well Done Year 1!
Yellow Class worked well as a team for their class liturgy and the parents and teachers were so proud. Blue Class have their liturgy today and I’m sure it will be just great.
Healthy Eating Week was a great success and children got to try many new and tasty foods as well as learning to live in a healthy way.
The ‘Giving to Help Others’ Assembly’ - In a child friendly way children learnt why it is important to donate blood, how it can help many people and even save lives! Are you a blood donor? Please think about it as there is always a huge need, especially from our black and minority ethnic community.
Dates for your Diary
Thursday 5th July: Y2 trip to the Wetlands Centre, Barnes.
Friday 6th July: Y1 visiting Hobbledown Adventure Park & Reception are going to Bocketts Farm, Surrey & also Junior Sports Day at Myatt’s Fields Park.
Tuesday 10th July: Children will meet their new class teachers in the afternoon
Wednesday 11th July: Y6 Leavers’ Production
Friday 13th July: Infant Sports Day at Myatt’s Fields Park and Junior School day trips
Tuesday 17th July: Y2 Leavers’ Production at 09.30am
Wednesday 18th July: Y6 Leavers Mass at Sacred Heart