Science Curriculum
At St. Joseph's Camberwell Catholic Schools' Federation, we strive to foster an interest and enjoyment in Science. Our lessons are carefully planned to match the requirements of the National Curriculum. We equip children with the scientific knowledge they need for the next stage of their education and beyond.
As educators, we understand the important part this phase of education has in each child’s Science learning journey. We know the importance of providing the children with a broad range of experiences, which help to develop their Science capital. Science capital can be defined as the sum of all the science-related knowledge, attitudes, experiences and resources that an individual builds up through their life.
- We encourage and develop pupil’s curiosity and enjoyment of understanding the world around them.
- We build children’s Science capital by linking our teaching to children’s prior knowledge and making their learning relevant and meaningful.
- We educate the children so they are able to grow up to make informed decisions that affect themselves and society.
- We help children learn about the ‘Big Ideas’ of Science at the same time as developing scientific attitudes and skills.
- We teach the full breadth of the National Curriculum for Science with opportunities to ‘Work Scientifically’ embedded throughout the programmes of study.
- Our carefully planned lessons build upon children’s prior knowledge and ensure progression.
- Our teaching is in line with current scientific and educational thinking. We give the children opportunities for inquiry led learning and allow for active participation in Science lessons.
- We establish cross-curricular links with other subjects such as Maths, English and Geography to the mutual benefit of each subject.
- We give children rich opportunities to engage in the learning beyond the classroom, including educational visits, workshops and outdoor learning in local parks.
- We prioritise the development of building the children’s vocabulary related to Science and give the children rich opportunities for discussing scientific ideas and thinking.
- Our children are well equipped to deal with the rigours of all three Science disciplines (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) when they transfer to Secondary School.
- At the end of each unit, we are able to identify that our pupils are making good progress through teacher assessment.
- We review the children’s learning regularly through book looks and discussions with children to further their development.
- We are reflective as a staff and we look for ways to improve our subject knowledge and planning to improve outcomes for children.
- Children’s Science capital is developed through high quality Science teaching and educational visits and this allows children to perceive themselves as capable Scientists both now and in the future
- View Science photos