Y4 Multiplication tables check
Please see the following resources for the Y4 Multiplication tables check:-
Year 4 MTC Parents Presentation 2022
Maths at St.Joseph's
At St Joseph's, we believe that Mathematics should be an enjoyable experience for all children. We endeavour to equip all pupils with powerful set of learning tools, which will help them to understand key concepts and relate Maths to the wider world.
Through well-chosen activities, teachers help the children to use tools including rapid recall in mental Maths, logical reasoning, problem solving and the ability to think in abstract ways. This in turn enables the children to develop their problem solving skills such as reasoning, being able to make predictions, working systemically, use conjecture and visualising.
Our aim is to encourage all pupils to:
- Have confidence and competence with numbers and the number system.
- Become confident when undertaking all Maths tasks and enable them to use a variety of strategies.
- Be given a range of Mathematical experiences, which allow them to explore and be challenged.
- Relate Maths to the wider world and help children understand how Maths is relevant and useful in everyday life.
- Be able to work independently and collaboratively to solve problems.
- Encourage and motivate all pupils to communicate their ideas through the use of oral and written Mathematical vocabulary and language.
- Challenge all children to excell in Maths and celebrate their achievements.
The National Curriculum for mathematics describes in detail what pupils must learn in each year group. This has been used to write the Southwark Medium term plans for Maths, which the school uses. Combined with the use of the Southwark Written Maths Calculation and Mental Maths Calculation Policies, we ensure continuity and progression and high expectations for attainment in mathematics.
We use Southwark's Written Calculation Policy, which outlines the various calculation strategies and methods that children are taught as they progress through the school.
Here is the link to our Mental Mathematics Calculation Policy, which outlines the various strategies and methods that children are taught, in order to become confident with their Mental Arithmetic skills, as they progress through the school.
This year, Year 4 are taking part in the optional Multiplication Tables Challenge, which will take place over a 3 week period between the 7th and 25th June. To find out more about how we teach multiplication tables across the school, have a look at the Southwark Maths Multiplication Tables guidance.
Links to sites where children can practise their Multiplication skills:
Tommy's Trek Times Tables Challenge
Hit the Button Multiplication and Division Facts
Since January 2021, we have been working with the London South East+ Maths Hub to introduce and improve the teaching of mastery. Mastering Maths means pupils acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.
In order to raise the profile of Maths in the Infant and Junior schools, we run a range of Maths work shops for parents, have a Maths Week and take part in the Times Tables Rock Stars National competitions. In April 2021, one of our Year 6 pupils came 2nd in the whole country! As well as Times Tables Rock Stars, which is a challenging programme designed to help pupils master the times tables, the school also subscribes to My Maths, which offers interactive lessons, “booster packs” for revision, and assignable homeworks which helps to develop the pupils' confidence.
To find out how you can help your child with Maths, click on the following link: Supporting your child with Mathematics